Bricks to Help Our Garden Grow!
Help raise funds for Phoenix with Bricks to Help Our Garden Grow! You can help our garden grow! Purchasing
Phoenix Community Development Services’ mission of “Turning Lives Around” reflects our long history of serving populations of individuals who have limited resources and support systems, including those with mental health challenges, intellectual disabilities and other special needs. In addition to the economic challenges these individuals face, a disability often further impacts access to employment, adequate housing, and services to address special needs.
Phoenix CDS is committed to providing comprehensive, supportive services to our most vulnerable citizens who face great challenges. Our primary goal is to end homelessness and provide the individuals, families and veterans we serve with a warm, safe place to live independently – and away from the dangers of the streets. We work with them to set and achieve goals, make healthy life choices, find employment, build skills, and become stable, self-sufficient members of society.
Phoenix CDS would not be able to fulfill its mission without the generous support of our friends. Whether you give your time, donate goods and services, or a make financial contribution – your support will make an impact! Please join us in our effort to end homelessness by turning lives around!